Thursday, May 12, 2011

Review: Thor

Carmike Cinema 10
Large Mr. Pibb, A few bites of popcorn
Too much A/C

Let me start off by saying that I had very low expectations of Thor.  I thought the trailers looked cheesy.  I know absolutely nothing about the Thor origin story.  I thought the Easter egg at the end of Iron Man 2 where they found Thor’s hammer in the desert was cool but it was basically just an announcement of the movie.  I liked Chris Hemsworth as Captain Kirk’s father at the beginning of the Star Trek re-boot but that’s the extent of my knowledge of the guy who was supposed to be the star of this summer tent-pole movie.  Anthony Hopkins is good in spurts and Natalie Portman annoys me.  All signs pointed toward “flop” and I told anyone that would listen that this was my prediction for this entry into the “Avengers” canon. 

Man was I wrong.

It was really good.  Sure, there were a few flaws that I’ll get to but it was just a good, early summer movie season comic book action movie.  The movie was extremely well made, with an obviously big budget and  I continue to be amazed at what filmmakers can do with CGI.  But you don’t want to overdo it and director Kenneth Brannagh doesn’t.  What you want out of movie effects is to forget they aren’t real, which is the way I felt here. 

Hemsworth did a great job as our leading man.  He was almost too good.  I got the feeling Thor is supposed to be sort of a stoic, Norse-godlike figure and Hemsworth added charm and humor to that formula.  His flowing blonde locks and chiseled body made you think he was probably born to play this role.  It was also funnier than I thought it would be.  The script did a great job of adding humor in just the right places in between figuring out whether or not it was possible or probable for Thor and his newfound earthly love to hook up. 

My only complaint is that the movie didn’t really get you to buy in on an emotional level to the characters.  One of the great things about the Iron Man franchise is that you really felt what a weasel Tony Stark was so there was a much greater payoff within the redemption story.  Thor would bring you just to the edge of that feeling but never could tip you over. 

I saw the movie in 3D but it didn’t add a lot to the experience.  I think a 2D viewing would be fine. 

In summary:  I liked it better than Iron Man 2, less than Iron Man and more than the Edward Norton Hulk (we ignore the other one pretend it didn't happen).

My review: 

2.5/4, B-, See it during a matinee

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