Thursday, June 2, 2011

Review: The Hangover Part 2

The Hangover Part 2
Carmike Cinema 10
Medium Mr. Pibb
Appropriate A/C

Let’s talk for a minute about my line. I think for a middle of the road, relatively conservative valued, WASP that my line is pretty far out there compared to most of my peers. I have an odd sense of humor and can find laughs in some pretty out-there stuff. The Hangover Part 2 goes so far over the line and beyond that it can't even see my line in the rearview mirror.

When the 1st Hangover came out, it pushed the line for a lot of people. For me, it was right there where I like it. Hilarious, unpredictable, edgy, raunchy, just downright wrong on many levels. Looking back, there wasn’t a whole lot in it besides the language that was too bad…..until the end. The last snapshot from the infamous mystery night camera that was found which had Zac Galifinakis’ character Alan in a compromised position with an elderly woman. I need not say more for you to know exactly what I’m talking about.

Right, wrong or indifferent, full frontal male nudity is still taboo amongst American movie audiences, ratings boards and censors. Everyone remembers how they felt the 1st time they saw that scene. I don’t know a single person who, however hilarious they found it, didn’t feel a slight bit uncomfortable. Imagine feeling that same way for an entire movie and you’ve got my thoughts on The Hangover Part 2.

There’s no need to bore you with plot points, if you have a heartbeat you’ve seen the promos or heard about the premise: the boys are in Thailand for Stu’s wedding. It’s a complete retread of the 1st movie. Almost minute for minute. I’d like to play them side by side and see how close it comes.

Same jokes, same problems, same people. The only difference: this one went WAY too far over the line. It’s much darker, much sicker, much more twisted, much more crude and really not the slightest bit funny. One of the reasons I had to see the original Hangover more than once in the theater was so that I could hear what some of the lines were that I missed due to all of the laughter. That didn’t happen in this theater. Any laughter was the uncomfortable, “can’t help but laugh at that” type.

I WANT TO MAKE SURE YOU READ AND REMEMBER THIS IF NOTHING ELSE: DO NOT LET TEENAGE CHILDREN GO SEE THIS MOVIE. IT IS BEYOND INAPPROPRIATE FOR YOUNG AUDIENCES. The 1st movie became a cult sensation with teenagers and I’m afraid they’ll be rushing out to see this one.

So, after I’m out of therapy for what I saw on the screen, it’s off to Kung Fu Panda 2 again to cleanse my soul.
My review: 
1/4, D, Wait for DVD and only then with an extremely tolerant audience

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